When you get into God's Word and start going around setting people free, taking them out of the devil's kingdom and bringing them into God's Kingdom ... your doing of this makes the devil very unhappy.
2 Timothy 4:17,18 says that wherever Paul went and the buffeting he received, everything the devil had done was restored to him, and he had victory All of this didn't keep him from accomplishing the things God had sent him to do.
When God tells you to go and do a certain thing, the devil cannot stop you. He may try by putting thoughts in your mind such as: "You don't have time to do that today ... you're too busy. You can't call them."
When Satan tells me that, the first thing I do is put down whatever I'm doing, go to the phone, and make a liar out of him. That's what he is anyway ... a liar! If God tells me to do something, He'll make sure that I have the time to do the other things I need to do also.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler