1 Peter 2:24 Weymouth's N.T. ... Our sins He Himself bore in His own body on the Cross, so that we, being alienated from our sins, might live righteous lives [unto God]. By His wounds you have been healed.
"Who His own self (Jesus)" bore our sins on His body on the tree (the Cross), that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness." We have been placed in right standing with God.
"By Whose stripes (wounds) you were healed." "Were" is past tense, history. Meaning that it's done, finished. Don't say: "Well, someday Jesus is going to ....." NO, He's already done it! It's already been established!
Jesus did it in His flesh. He took the beating (the stripes) on His back for our healing before He went to the Cross. He was such a battered Man, not recognizable as a man, not even recognizable as a human ... He was beaten so badly. He took these stripes of healing for us.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler