We are involved in a life and death battle to bring us into what we're supposed to be. The earnest expectation of all creation is to see the manifestation of the sons of God until we come into what we are supposed to be.
Romans 8:22,23 say that the whole creation groans and travails in pain until we, the Body of Christ, walk in liberty in the Spirit and the redemption of our body.
This is why we are working with the Holy Spirit ... and why He's working with and in us ... to do what He says to do and to say what He says to say ... to bring us to a full and complete manifestation of walking where we are supposed to be walking as spiritual beings.
Satan absolutely does not want us to obtain this position in God. He's trying his very best to discourage us any way that he can to put a stop to this. And the Body of Christ is doing its best to put a stop in this action of his. At least, the ones that I know are doing this. Are you?
Mary C. Butler