"Lord, You alone are worthy of pure worship, of my
purest surrender.
Thank You for opening the way for me to know You and
to become a true worshipper of You, for convicting me
of sin and for forgiving me.
Thank You for coming into my life by the Holy Spirit.
I praise You as the slain Lamb ... undeserving of death,
especially the death on a cross for my salvation.
I present to You a heart of wisdom and worship, a
heart that walks in reverence to You, that surrenders,
witholding nothing, and that obeys You promptly and
Teach me to worship You in Spirit and in Truth, and to
Your Glory .... in the Majestic, Glorious, and Worthy
Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray. AMEN!"
All of you: Have a GLORIOUS GOD DAY!
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler