Matthew 8:16 ... When evening had come, they brought unto Him many who were demon-possessed ... and He cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick ....
What would you do if someone all bent over, out of shape, and wasn't able to talk right, came to a meeting being held that you're in attendance? .... and he comes up to you, asking, "I want you to pray for me to be healed." What would you do?
As you get ready to pray, the Lord says to you: "Cast out those evil spirits, and this person will be healed and will stand up straight."
A friend of mine had this happen to him, where someone obviously not normal came to a meeting that he was attending. He was scared, but he obeyed the instruction that the Lord had given him.
He knew about the authority that he had in the Name of Jesus, so he said: "IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I COMMAND you to come out of this man!" And his healing was manifested.
My friend petitioned the Lord to "please don't place me into a deliverance ministry", but that is exactly the ministry he was place into. He just listens to the Lord for the direction in each instance, and the people leave there SET FREE!
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler