1 John 4:16 ... We have known and believed the LOVE that God has to us. God is LOVE, and he who dwells in LOVE dwells in God, and God in him.
You can't take one verse out of context to make it say what you want it to say. You have to get the setting. You have to look at the whole thing ... all the verses surrounding it.
God is LOVE. Love is one of His attributes ... it's Who He is. The person who dwells in LOVE dwells in God. It's your intimacy with the Godhead. Jesus is also part of the LOVE deal.
Verses 17,18 of 1 John 4 ... Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness ........ because as He is, so are we in this world. There's no fear in LOVE because perfect LOVE casts out fear: fear has torment. and the person who fears is not made perfect in LOVE.
As He (Jesus) is in this world, so are we in this world. He's victorious over His enemies, over Satan, over all the evil of this world ... and we should be the same way! Victorious!! This is the most important thing in Christianity (other than some of the things surrounding it). They all point to it.
Jesus is part of the Godhead. God says, "I want you to be just like Him."
Jesus says, "You are going to do what I did (past tense). You're going to say what I tell you to say. And you are going to do what I do (present tense) because I follow the Father."
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler