Romans 8:1 AMP. ... Therefore [there is] now no condemnation ... no adjudging guilty of wrong ... for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the (Holy) Spirit.
"No adjudging guilty of wrong for those who are in Christ Jesus". The devil will come and beat you up as long as you'll let him ... "Oh, look at what you did today ... you really screwed up this time, didn't you? What are you going to do to make amends for this now?"
You answer him, "I'm going to tell God that I screwed up and that I need to be forgiven." END OF IT! I'm not going to sit there and meditate on this ... "Boy, I really screwed up this time." I have done that and it doesn't work.
God says, "When are you going to ask Me for forgiveness?" People will take what the devil dishes out to them. His plan is to use it against them later. And he will do that if he isn't caught and shut down from it!
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler