We have four "launching pads" that activate our spiritual weapons against the devil and tearing down the strongholds that he's built against us.
#1 ... Prayer
#2 ... Our testimony or Witness
#3 ... Preaching the Word of God
#4 ... Praise
When we confess or speak the Word, it brings us out from sickness and disease and bondage to the devil. We've been using a weapon ... the Word of God, Jesus' Name, the Blood ... and the testimony and witness of our mouth has been the force that has brought it against strongholds and destroyed the power of the devil.
But this is just one part of the paraphernalia that God has given to His Body. He also has some other elements that He wants to bring in to the total equation so that we'll catch a glimpse of all that He has for the Body of Christ.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler