If we're going to be exact images of Jesus, we're going to have everything He had. We do have everything, really .... it's all there available to us. This is where obedience steps in. When we're obedient and walking exactly like Jesus .... this is what He wants us doing with no man-made restrictions.
We know perfectly well when we are sinning, when we are stepping outside of God's Presence. We know when we're going to do it ... when we decide to sin, so we can't be surprised when we find ourselves out of His Presence. His manifestation to us is cloudy, but He hasn't left.
The devil presents things to us which we either accept or not. We know when we've missed it. We know when we've sinned and have departed from God's Presence. At this time we must repent, back up, and we will be back in the safe zone. God makes it so simple .... it's the theologians and religious people who try to make it so hard.
We think that we can just walk in these things and everything is OK ... that it's automatic, and that God didn't see us screw up, so we don't have to worry about it. We think that we walk in so much freedom that we don't even have to worry about it. We think that we can do anything we want to do. NO,NO, NO!!
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler