The Truth dispels lies. Healing is one of the big things.
Jesus took stripes on His back for our healing ... for all of humanity's healing... ONE TIME FOREVER! It's a done deal! And He did it with His own precious, sinless powerful Blood. He redeemed us from the "curse of the Law" ... all written in Deuteronomy 28:16-68.
So you might say... "How does this affect me?"
Before you became a born-again Christian, you were living in the devil's kingdom... you were living under his lies. But when you become born again, the precious Blood of Jesus redeems you, cleanses you, from all sin, sickness, disease, and death (this death is the separation from God).
His Blood cleanses you... how do you get that cleansing? Faith is the catalyst that brings it together. Faith is the thing that makes the Word of God work for you. How did you get saved (born again)?
By faith you are saved through Grace and not of your own self. It's the work of God, the free gift of God for you, bringing you into the New Kingdom, His New Covenant. See Ephesians 2:8.
The simple truth is: When we are being attacked by the devil, we have to replace that attack, which is a lie, with God's Truth. God's Truth says that we are walking in Divine Health... that we've been healed by the stripes of Jesus. Thus... the curse of the law has no more effect on us.
This is how we overcome the attacks of the devil... we are to quench all the fiery darts of the devil by putting out their fire with God's Word. Ephesians 6:16 tells us that when we quench the fire of those darts that he throws at us they are dispelled. Truth (God's Truth) overcomes lies all the time. It sounds so simple, but it's so profound, so true.
Our intimacy with the Godhead... God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Truth) living within us is what brings all this to a head.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler