Category: Nuggets and Pearls
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There's a long list of words which describe GLORY ... each describing a part of what Glory is.  When you sum them all up, they're talking about God Himself.  God IS Glory ... Glory IS God.  His Shekinah Glory is one type of Glory which happens to be His personal Glory.  It's one of His attributes.  You can go through this long list and say: "God IS ....",  "God IS ....",  "God IS".  His attributes are all locked in one word: "GLORY". 

If our young people could hear this subject taught in the churches they attend ... and the benefits of it in their own lives: who they are in Christ when they accept Him as their Savior, I believe that they'd get ahold of the things encompassing the word "GLORY". 

This generation of young people is a very intelligent group, way ahead of what we were at their age.  The fact is that they're searching, looking for the "God Spiritual", and if they don't find it in the churches they attend, they'll go looking for it someplace else.  Because they haven't been taught correctly, they'll be deceived and believe the lie of the wrong spirit.

The pastors and teachers have been teaching a "social gospel" instead of the spiritual. Look at the many  young ones now joining in with the "wrong" spirit, coming against God and born again Christians in many ways.  And the Church, the Body of Christ, we believers, MUST take the blame for it!

Some of the Eastern religions in America are growing faster than Christianity because of this very thing, and we all know that this is the WRONG spirit.  We've let go of the God spiritual and believed and embraced the evil, even though it looks and sounds correct.  So go back to Heavenly Father, seek His forgiveness and cleansing, and get America back on the RIGHT track again.

Thank You, Father, for forgiving the people, cleansing this nation, and ridding it of the wrong spirit.  We want to get back to You.  In the Mighty Name of Yeshua Jesus, AMEN!  

Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler